The usual solution consists of placing an air breaker and a non-linear resistance in silicium carbure between the line and the ground.
The system presents several drawbacks :
Mersen will supply you all Spare parts kits to guarantee the reliability and increase the life time of your devices.
Mersen Design team is available to support your design and maintenance team’s especially for the smart and connected functions.
Mersen Service team can train your Maintenance team to make the setting and the maintenance of your installations all around the world.
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One of the essential elements of the system is that it is the first with a distant warning signal of the lightning arrester being isolated. The railway network operator has the advantage of detecting very rapidly the protections.
Mersen team provide type test and different studies (Life Cycle Cost, RAMS, FMEA, Eco Design and recyclability, etc…) to secure the reliability of your CCD solution and its conformity to standards and legislations.
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10 Kamp
20 kAmp
Intercity trains (SNCF France)